White laptop in a circle showing AI feature


The future is here! Elevate your email marketing content with the revolutionary power of Mail Blaze AI Content Blocks. Craft captivating email content and stunning visuals effortlessly, all driven by the power of artificial intelligence.

White laptop in a circle showing AI feature

Why we're different

Become part of our team

Our clients are part of our team. We are here to guide and serve your needs.

Built with you in mind

Use a range of beautifully designed templates that are fully customizable to suit your needs.

Our pricing is competitive

Whether you are starting out, or you’re an established business with advanced email marketing needs, we’ve got a package to help you grow and succeed.

Yellow circle with white flame emblem peeking out

Find your next template

Need some inspiration? Have a look at our theme library to get you started. Select any of our themes and you’re on your way to sending an exceptional email to your audience.

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The experience has been great with the Mail Blaze from the initial contact, training to the trouble-shooting once our account was setup. The move from another emailing programme but the move was made very easy.
Des - Cape Town Comedy Club
We have seen a significant increase in the enquiries we are receiving from our clients since using Mail Blaze. The team's professional approach and dedication to their work makes it a pleasure to work with them and their platform. We would recommend their services to anyone!
Bonita - Claremart Auction Group
The service from Mail Blaze has been excellent. As someone who had no idea how Mail Blaze actually worked, the kind and patient support from the team is amazing. We would recommend Mail Blaze to anyone, as it's simply the best
Sue - SA Media Productions

Real people, helping real people

While we could have popped an automated support system onto our website and let it be, we believe support and guidance is invaluable to sending emails people want to receive. That's why our support team is ready to serve, no matter what your needs. Tell us what you’d like to achieve - and let’s help you get there

Pauline Marketing Manager
Spiro Director
Geraldine Head of Support
Steve Director
Hagen Director
Kim Support Consultant
Stephan Senior Developer
Chris Senior Developer
Maulana Graphic Designer
Brenda Support Consultant
Brandon Partnership Manager
Jace Support Consultant
Lichelle Human Resources Manager

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Let's get you firing off beautiful, uncomplicated email marketing campaigns - for less

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