Email campaigns are still the most popular form of online marketing, despite the proliferation of competing methods and venues. This should tell you something. Specifically, it should tell you that email marketing offers real benefits over other marketing tactics. What are the real benefits of email? So glad you asked.

  1. It's easy. Email campaigns are pretty easy already and we make them even easier. We provide step-by-step tutorials on creating your campaign, from start to finish. If that isn't easy enough for you, we also provide expert support and fully managed packages.
  2. It's measurable. Email marketing allows you to measure each individual subscriber's response to your campaign. Who opens what, when and where? We can tell you.
  3. It's customisable. Integrate your databases, segment your lists, design your own template and use a host of techniques in order to better target your outgoing messages. Send specific, personalized emails to left-handed blonde mothers under 30, soccer players over 19 with feet size 9-12, or ferret owners named Kyle in the Eastern Cape. The only limit to how detailed you can get is the quality of your subscriber data.
  4. It's personal. Making your customers feel unique and valued is vital to building a loyal customer base. Mail Blaze makes it easy to let each of your customers know how much (or how little) they mean to you.
  5. It builds relationships. Treating your customers as individuals will allow you to develop their relationship with your brand. A loyal customer base is a profitable customer base. At the very least, loyal customers are less likely to leave you nasty messages on social media.
  6. It's popular. Most consumers (72%) like companies to communicate with them by email, which is significantly more popular than all other digital and traditional channels. The next most popular channel is good old snail mail at 48%. (
  7. It offers amazing ROI. Email marketing had an average ROI of 38:1 in 2015. Nothing else comes close (Direct Marketing Association UK). Basically, when it comes to getting value for money, email is a freakishly effective outlier. Like a tyrannosaurus rex in a 'being big and toothy' competition against a bunch of new-born humans.
  8. It's cost-effective. Part of the reason email marketing offers such good return on investment is that it is astonishingly inexpensive. You can send thousands of emails a month for less than you spend on lunch.

Can you afford not to use email as part of your marketing strategy? Of course you can. I don't think the schwarma place down the road ever sent a single email. I mean, before they went out of business.

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