3 email marketing tips to keep your subscribers happy

Putting together and sending off a great email campaign is good, but most of your customers get tons of emails every single day. With this being said they have to be selective with the emails they read otherwise they’re not going to be able to do anything else with their day. To ensure that your campaigns keep your subscribers happy, we’ve put together 3 easy steps that you can follow to ensure your subscribers stay happy and keep engaging with your campaigns.

Step 1: Ask before receiving

Don’t buy email databases or send emails to anyone who hasn’t consented to receive emails from you. You need to ask their permission first as it can be extremely damaging for your brand to send any marketing material or newsletters on to a client who hasn’t willingly agreed to receive content from you.

So how do you get their consent? There are different methods of doing this. The best is to provide a form on your website where potential customers can sign up or opt-in to receiving campaigns via email from you.

Once you’ve configured your sign-up process you’ll find that a good quality newsletter and truly valuable content can go a long way towards helping people look forward to receiving your campaigns. If your subscribers feel as though it’s on their terms they will also be more likely to forward your emails onto friends and family. A naturally grown list is a healthy list.

Step 2: Respect your subscribers

It’s important to respect your subscribers time, their interests and their intelligence. Make sure your emails are not filled with waffle about how your board meeting went and how your company acquired a new coffee machine. Determine what your customers are interested in, give them something intriguing to read (think: if my client reads this is he going to want to tell his friends about it?) and make sure it’s covered in the first paragraph of your campaign.

Quality content is everything. If you’re selling a service or product make sure your content stands out from the rest. Sell yourself on quality rather than quantity and/or price and remember to always make clear what’s in it for them.

Step 3: Don’t corner a wounded animal

Provide your clients with an easy way out. In other words, don’t make it excessively difficult for your client to unsubscribe. If they no longer wish to receive email marketing communication from you, it should be easy for them to unsubscribe. Lengthy unsubscriber processes can damage your brand and leave people with a bad taste in their mouth.


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