The REST API allows you to integrate your applications with your Mail Blaze account by providing an interface to send and retrieve data between them.
The first step is to create an API key.
Mail Blaze provides an interactive tool to test your HTTP requests. To use this, please click the following link:
Click the 'Authorize' button (top right corner) and enter the Public key into the field provided. Once you have been authorized you will be able to make API calls.
To make API calls using the tool, click on the request type button (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) in the relevant section:
Click the Try it out button in the top right corner of the section. Enter the required parameters, marked with a red asterisk. Enter the optional parameters to refine your query. Click the Execute button to make the query. Your response should be displayed below the query form. A corresponding CURL request will be displayed about the request. This can be used to indicate the structure of the request that will need to be sent from within your application.
Another option is by viewing the URL of a content type in your account (i.e. List, Subscriber etc.) if you need it on an individual basis. For example:
Lists, Subscribers, Templates, Campaigns and Transactional email UIDs all follow this format.
The base endpoint URL for API requests is as follows:
When used in your applications, the Public Key and the Content Type will need to be passed along as Custom Headers in your HTTP requests. To do so please include them as follows:
"authorization": "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Parameters are passed along in the HTTP Body in key-value pairs. Keys are required in uppercase unless otherwise shown.
As a demonstration, let’s create a new subscriber by making a POST request to the subscribers endpoint:
Please note the {LIST_UID} parameter. To retrieve one, please get it from the URL on your list page or make a GET request to the /lists endpoint.
"authorization": "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
EMAIL: [email protected],
FNAME: John,
LNAME: Smith,
You should receive a JSON response as illustrated below:
HTTP response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
409 | Conflict |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Base Endpoint:
Transactional Emails
Base Endpoint:
Create a new list
Endpoint: /lists
Method: POST
Parameters: All parameters in the table are required. All parameters are string values. Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Key | Value |
"general[name]" | List Name (i.e Weekly Newsletter) |
"general[description]" | List Description (i.e. Newsletter sign ups) |
"defaults[from_name]" | From Name (i.e. Company Name) |
"defaults[from_email]" | From Email (i.e. [email protected]) |
"company[name]" | Company Name |
"company[country_id]" | Country ID (South Africa: 193) *Please see the Country ID table below |
"company[address_1]" | Company Physical Address - Line 1 |
"company[city]" | City the company is located in |
"company[zip_code]" | Company Area Code |
HTTP response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
409 | Conflict |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /lists
Method: GET
The following parameters are not required, but are useful to refine your query
All parameters are string values.
HTTP response | Description |
page | Result set page number |
per_page | Number of results per page |
HTTP response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}Method: GET
Provide the LIST_UID of the list you want to add the subscriber to in the URL. Query the /lists endpoint to get list data.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}
Method: PUT
All parameters are string values.
Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Enter the values that you would like to update. You do not need to provide all the list data; only the data that you'd like to modify.
Key | Value |
"general[name]" | List Name |
"general[description]" | List Description |
"defaults[from_name]" | From Name (i.e. Company Name) |
"defaults[from_email]" | From Email |
"company[name]" | Company Name |
"company[country_id]" | Country ID (South Africa: 193) *Please see the Country ID table below |
"company[address_1]" | Company Physical Address - Line 1 |
"company[city]" | City the company is located in |
"company[zip_code]" | Company Area Code |
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
409 | Conflict |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}
Method: DELETE
Provide the LIST_UID in the URL.
Deleting a list is permanent. This cannot be undone.
When you delete a list, it will also delete all campaigns that were sent to that list!
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
Provide the LIST_UID in the URL
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/segments
Method: GET
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Provide the LIST_UID in the URL
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/fields
Method: GET
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Code | Country | Code | Country | Code | Country |
1 | Afghanistan | 81 | Germany | 161 | Oman |
2 | Albania | 82 | Ghana | 162 | Pakistan |
3 | Algeria | 83 | Gibraltar | 163 | Palau |
4 | American Samoa | 84 | Greece | 164 | Panama |
5 | Andorra | 85 | Greenland | 165 | Papua New Guinea |
6 | Angola | 86 | Grenada | 166 | Paraguay |
7 | Anguilla | 87 | Guadeloupe | 167 | Peru |
8 | Antarctica | 88 | Guam | 168 | Philippines |
9 | Antigua and Barbuda | 89 | Guatemala | 169 | Pitcairn |
10 | Argentina | 90 | Guinea | 170 | Poland |
11 | Armenia | 91 | Guinea-bissau | 171 | Portugal |
12 | Aruba | 92 | Guyana | 172 | Puerto Rico |
13 | Australia | 93 | Haiti | 173 | Qatar |
14 | Austria | 94 | Heard and Mc Donald Islands | 174 | Reunion |
15 | Azerbaijan | 95 | Honduras | 175 | Romania |
16 | Bahamas | 96 | Hong Kong | 176 | Russian Federation |
17 | Bahrain | 97 | Hungary | 177 | Rwanda |
18 | Bangladesh | 98 | Iceland | 178 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
19 | Barbados | 99 | India | 179 | Saint Lucia |
20 | Belarus | 100 | Indonesia | 180 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
21 | Belgium | 101 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 181 | Samoa |
22 | Belize | 102 | Iraq | 182 | San Marino |
23 | Benin | 103 | Ireland | 183 | Sao Tome and Principe |
24 | Bermuda | 104 | Israel | 184 | Saudi Arabia |
25 | Bhutan | 105 | Italy | 185 | Senegal |
26 | Bolivia | 106 | Jamaica | 186 | Seychelles |
27 | Bosnia and Herzegowina | 107 | Japan | 187 | Sierra Leone |
28 | Botswana | 108 | Jordan | 188 | Singapore |
29 | Bouvet Island | 109 | Kazakhstan | 189 | Slovak Republic |
30 | Brazil | 110 | Kenya | 190 | Slovenia |
31 | British Indian Ocean Territory | 111 | Kiribati | 191 | Solomon Islands |
32 | Brunei Darussalam | 112 | North Korea | 192 | Somalia |
33 | Bulgaria | 113 | Korea, Republic of | 193 | South Africa |
34 | Burkina Faso | 114 | Kuwait | 194 | South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands |
35 | Burundi | 115 | Kyrgyzstan | 195 | Spain |
36 | Cambodia | 116 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 196 | Sri Lanka |
37 | Cameroon | 117 | Latvia | 197 | St. Helena |
38 | Canada | 118 | Lebanon | 198 | St. Pierre and Miquelon |
39 | Cape Verde | 119 | Lesotho | 199 | Sudan |
40 | Cayman Islands | 120 | Liberia | 200 | Suriname |
41 | Central African Republic | 121 | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 201 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands |
42 | Chad | 122 | Liechtenstein | 202 | Swaziland |
43 | Chile | 123 | Lithuania | 203 | Sweden |
44 | China | 124 | Luxembourg | 204 | Switzerland |
45 | Christmas Island | 125 | Macau | 205 | Syrian Arab Republic |
46 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 126 | FYROM | 206 | Taiwan |
47 | Colombia | 127 | Madagascar | 207 | Tajikistan |
48 | Comoros | 128 | Malawi | 208 | Tanzania, United Republic of |
49 | Congo | 129 | Malaysia | 209 | Thailand |
50 | Cook Islands | 130 | Maldives | 210 | Togo |
51 | Costa Rica | 131 | Mali | 211 | Tokelau |
52 | Cote D'Ivoire | 132 | Malta | 212 | Tonga |
53 | Croatia | 133 | Marshall Islands | 213 | Trinidad and Tobago |
54 | Cuba | 134 | Martinique | 214 | Tunisia |
55 | Cyprus | 135 | Mauritania | 215 | Turkey |
56 | Czech Republic | 136 | Mauritius | 216 | Turkmenistan |
57 | Denmark | 137 | Mayotte | 217 | Turks and Caicos Islands |
58 | Djibouti | 138 | Mexico | 218 | Tuvalu |
59 | Dominica | 139 | Micronesia, Federated States of | 219 | Uganda |
60 | Dominican Republic | 140 | Moldova, Republic of | 220 | Ukraine |
61 | East Timor | 141 | Monaco | 221 | United Arab Emirates |
62 | Ecuador | 142 | Mongolia | 222 | United Kingdom |
63 | Egypt | 143 | Montserrat | 223 | United States |
64 | El Salvador | 144 | Morocco | 224 | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
65 | Equatorial Guinea | 145 | Mozambique | 225 | Uruguay |
66 | Eritrea | 146 | Myanmar | 226 | Uzbekistan |
67 | Estonia | 147 | Namibia | 227 | Vanuatu |
68 | Ethiopia | 148 | Nauru | 228 | Vatican City State (Holy See) |
69 | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 149 | Nepal | 229 | Venezuela |
70 | Faroe Islands | 150 | Netherlands | 230 | Viet Nam |
71 | Fiji | 151 | Netherlands Antilles | 231 | Virgin Islands (British) |
72 | Finland | 152 | New Caledonia | 232 | Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
73 | France | 153 | New Zealand | 233 | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
74 | France, Metropolitan | 154 | Nicaragua | 234 | Western Sahara |
75 | French Guiana | 155 | Niger | 235 | Yemen |
76 | French Polynesia | 156 | Nigeria | 236 | Yugoslavia |
77 | French Southern Territories | 157 | Niue | 237 | Democratic Republic of Congo |
78 | Gabon | 158 | Norfolk Island | 238 | Zambia |
79 | Gambia | 159 | Northern Mariana Islands | 239 | Zimbabwe |
80 | Georgia | 160 | Norway |
Base Endpoint:
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers
Method: POST
Provide the LIST_UID of the list you want to add the subscriber to in the URL. Query the /lists endpoint to get list data.
All parameters in the table are required.
All parameters are string values.
Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Key | Value | Required |
Email Address | Yes | |
FNAME | First Name | |
LNAME | Last Name | |
CUSTOM_TAG_NAME | Custom data* |
*Please see the Custom Fields section for more information on how to set this up. The CUSTOM_TAG_NAME will need to match the name of the custom field for the list.
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
409 | Conflict |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Custom Fields You are also able to send custom information in your request body as key-value pairs, but please ensure that you have the custom fields set up in your list first. To do so:
Once the custom field is set up, you can add the data to your list via the API. Please ensure the custom field keys are in uppercase (following the EMAIL / FNAME / LNAME format).
Custom Field Formats:
Field | Format | Example |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2022-11-30 |
DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | 2022-11-30 16:45:00 |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/bulk
Method: POST
Provide the LIST_UID in the URL.
Provide the subscribers' field data as JSON in the body of the request.
If the subscriber email exists in the list, the subscriber record will be updated with the latest data posted. Otherwise, a new subscriber will be added to the list.
Please see below for the JSON object structure.
"subscribers": [
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"FNAME": "John",
"LNAME": "Smith"
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"FNAME": "Jane",
"LNAME": "Doe"
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers
Method: GET
Results are returned in sets of 10. Append the /page={number} at the end of the URL to return the next result set. For example:
Provide the LIST_UID of list you want to add the subscriber to in the URL. Query the /lists endpoint to get list data.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/{subscriber_uid}
Method: PUT
Provide the LIST_UID of list you want to add the subscriber to in the URL. Query the /lists endpoint to get list data.
Provide the SUBSCRIBER_UID at the end of the URL. Query the /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers endpoint to get subscriber data. Alternatively, you could query the /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/search-by-email endpoint if you know their email address.
All parameters are string values.
Enter the values that you would like to update. You do not need to provide all the data; only the values that you’d like to modify.
Key | Value | Required |
Email Address | Yes | |
FNAME | First Name | |
LNAME | Last Name | |
CUSTOM_TAG_NAME | Custom data* |
*Please see the Custom Fields section above for more information on how to set this up. The CUSTOM_TAG_NAME will need to match the name of the custom field for the list.
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
409 | Conflict |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/{subscriber_uid}
Method: DELETE
Provide the LIST_UID of list you want to add the subscriber to in the URL. Query the /lists endpoint to get list data.
Provide the SUBSCRIBER_UID at the end of the URL. Query the /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers endpoint to get subscriber data. Alternatively, you could query the /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/search-by-email endpoint if you know their email address.
Deleting a subscriber is permanent. This cannot be undone.
When you delete a subscriber, it will also alter any campaign data that is associated with the subscriber.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
Provide the LIST_UID in the URL
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/{subscriber_uid}/unsubscribe
Method: PUT
Update a user’s status to “unsubscribed”.
If the Add subscriber to blacklist in the “ACTIONS WHEN UNSUBSCRIBE” section is set to “Yes”, then when a subscriber is unsubscribed they will be added to the local blacklist. This is to ensure that should their email address appear on multiple lists, they are not sent any future emails.
This setting is “Yes” by default. If you update it to “No”, the subscriber will only be unsubscribed from that specific list. If they appear on other lists, then they will receive future emails sent to those lists.
You can update it by clicking the “gear” icon > UPDATE on the link below. The setting is under the ADVANCED SETTINGS section. After login, navigate to
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Provide the LIST_UID in the URL
Endpoint: /lists/{list_uid}/subscribers/search-by-email
Method: GET
Query Parameters:
Key | Value | Required |
Email Address | Yes |
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
If a subscriber complains about receiving emails, it's a good idea to add them to the account blacklist. This will ensure that they are never sent emails again.
Provide the subscriber’s email address in the body of the request.
Endpoint: /lists/subscribers/blacklist
Method: POST
Key | Value | Required |
Email Address | Yes |
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Base endpoint:
Endpoint: /templates
Method: POST
All parameters in the table are required.
All parameters are string values.
Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Key | Value | Required |
"template[name]" | Template Name | Yes |
"template[content]" | *Content (base64 encoded) | Yes |
*Please ensure that your template code is base64 encoded before sending the request. If it isn’t, the content of the email will display unknown characters as well as break the layout.
Please also add an unsubscribe tag. Campaign emails need them in order to send. An unsubscribe link should follow the format below:
<a href="[UNSUBSCRIBE_URL]">Unsubscribe</a>
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /templates
Method: GET
Results are returned in sets of 10. Append the /page={number} at the end of the URL to return the next result set. For example:
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Endpoint: /template/{template_uid}
Method: GET
Provide the campaign UID at the end of the URL. This can be obtained by querying the /campaigns endpoint as illustrated above.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Endpoint: /templates/{template_uid}
Method: PUT
All parameters are string values.
Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Key | Value | Required |
"template[name]" | Template Name | |
"template[content]" | *Content (base64 encoded) | Yes |
*Please ensure that your template code is base64 encoded before sending the request. If it isn’t, the content of the email will display unknown characters as well as break the layout.
Please also add an unsubscribe tag. Campaign emails need them in order to send. An unsubscribe link should follow the format below:
<a href="[UNSUBSCRIBE_URL]">Unsubscribe</a>
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /template/{template_uid}
Method: DELETE
Provide the campaign UID at the end of the URL. This can be obtained by querying the /campaigns endpoint as illustrated above.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Base endpoint:
Endpoint: /campaigns
Method: POST
All parameters in the table are required.
All parameters are string values.
Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Key | Value | Required |
"campaign[name]" | Campaign Name | Yes |
"campaign[from_name]" | Name of Sender | Yes |
"campaign[from_email]" | Email of Sender | Yes |
"campaign[reply_to]" | Reply to Email Address | Yes |
"campaign[subject]" | Subject Line | Yes |
"campaign[list_uid]" | List Uid of List to Send to | Yes |
"campaign[segment_uid]" | Segment Uid | No |
"campaign[template][template_uid]" | Template Uid | Yes |
"campaign[send_at]" | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | Yes |
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /campaigns/{campaign_uid}
Method: GET
Results are returned in sets of 10. Append the /page={number} at the end of the URL to return the next result set. For example:
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Endpoint: /campaigns/{campaign_uid}
Method: GET
Provide the campaign UID at the end of the URL. This can be obtained by querying the /campaigns endpoint as illustrated above.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Endpoint: /campaigns/{campaign_uid}
Method: PUT
Campaigns in “draft” mode can be updated by sending the relevant values in the body of the request.
All parameters are string values.
Enter the values that you would like to update. You do not need to provide all the data; only the values that you’d like to modify.
Key | Value | Required |
"campaign[name]" | Campaign Name | Yes |
"campaign[from_name]" | Name of Sender | Yes |
"campaign[from_email]" | Email of Sender | Yes |
"campaign[reply_to]" | Reply to Email Address | Yes |
"campaign[subject]" | Subject Line | Yes |
"campaign[list_uid]" | List Uid of List to Send to | Yes |
"campaign[segment_uid]" | Segment Uid | No |
"campaign[template][template_uid]" | Template Uid | Yes |
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /campaigns/{campaign_uid}
Method: DELETE
Provide the campaign UID at the end of the URL. This can be obtained by querying the /campaigns endpoint as illustrated above.
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
Base endpoint:
There are 2 ways to send transactional emails: using form data or by sending a JSON object. If you wish to send attachments with your transaction emails, then you'll need to send a JSON object to the endpoint, otherwise you may use either approach.
Endpoint: /transactional
Method: POST
All parameters in the table are required.
All parameters are string values.
Parameters are sent in the body of the request.
Key | Value | Required |
"to_email" | Recipient's email | Yes |
"to_name" | Name of Recipient | Yes |
"from_email" | Email of Sender | Yes |
"from_name" | Name of Sender | Yes |
"reply_to_email" | Reply to Email Address | |
"reply_to_name" | Reply to Name | |
"subject" | Subject Line | Yes |
"body" | *Email Content (base64 encoded) | Yes |
"plain_text" | Plain Text Version | |
"send_at" | Scheduled time (leave blank to send immediately) |
*Please ensure that your template code is base64 encoded before sending the request. If it isn’t, the content of the email will display unknown characters as well as break the layout.
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /transactional
Method: POST
Should you wish to send your data as JSON instead of form data as illustrated above you can do so by following the example below. Omit the attachment data from your request if you do not wish to send an attachment.
Please see below for the JSON object structure.
Supported attachment formats are: PDF,
File sizes are restricted to 10MB.
Please note that base64 encoding is required for the body and attachment file data while Plain Text should be sent as text.
"to_email": "[email protected]",
"to_name": "recipient",
"from_email": "[email protected]",
"from_name": "sender",
"reply_to_email": "[email protected]",
"reply_to_name": "no-reply",
"subject": "subject",
"body": "base64 encoded email content",
"plain_text": "text",
"send_at": "01-01-2019 08:00:00",
"attachments": [
{ "name": "Filename.pdf",
"data": "base64 encoded file data"
HTTP Response | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Wrong Method |
404 | Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
Endpoint: /transactional
Method: GET
Results are returned in sets of 10. Append ?page={number} at the end of the URL to return the next result set. For example:
HTTP Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Endpoint: /transactional/{email_uid}
Method: GET
Provide the campaign UID at the end of the URL. This can be obtained by querying the /transactional endpoint as illustrated above.
HTTP response | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Not Found |
Code | Category | Description |
000.000 | Generic | The request was successful |
000.001 | Generic | The record was successfully created |
010.001 | Account Upgrade | An email has been sent that the customer has insufficient credits. The customer's account has been paused. The automatic upgrade gets processed next. |
010.002 | Account Upgrade | The customers account upgrade has been successfully processed |
020.001 | Campaigns | The request was successful, however there are currently no campaigns for this account |
030.001 | List | The request was successful, however there are currently no lists for this account |
040.001 | Subscriber | The request was successful, however there are currently no subscribers for the list |
040.002 | Subscriber | The request was successful, however there are currently no segments for the list |
050.001 | Transactional | The request was successful, however there are currently no transactional emails for this account |
060.001 | Templates | The request was successful, however there are currently no templates for this account |
100.001 | Generic | Only POST requests allowed. Check that it is a POST and not a GET, PUT, or DELETE request |
100.002 | Generic | The customer was searched for by their UniqueId, however no result was returned. This could mean that the incorrect UniqueId was used, or the user does not exist |
100.003 | Generic | The price plan id that was passed cannot be found. It is therefore likely it doesn't exist in the the database. |
100.004 | Generic | Only PUT requests allowed. Check that it is a PUT and not a GET, POST, or DELETE request |
100.005 | Generic | Only DELETE requests allowed. Check that it is a DELETE and not a GET, POST, or PUT request |
100.006 | Generic | You are not authorized to access this API call. Please request access to this call from [email protected] |
100.007 | Generic | Only GET requests allowed. Check that it is a DELETE and not a GET, POST, or PUT request |
110.001 | Account Upgrade | System failed to send an email to the customer to inform them that they have insufficient credits. The upgrade is still being processed |
110.002 | Account Upgrade | The customer has been emailed that their account has been paused due to them not having a valid credit card associated to their account |
110.003 | Account Upgrade | The system failed to send an email to the customer, notifying them that they do not have a valid credit card assocaited to their account. TThe customers account has been paused in the interim |
110.004 | Account Upgrade | The customer is on a free plan, and likely do not have a credit card associated to their account. This, they are not able to upgrade their account. |
110.005 | Account Upgrade | The adjusted payment price could not be retrieved. Make sure you passed the correct Customer Unique ID, Price Plan Id, and upgrade Price Plan Id. The customers account has been paused in the interim |
110.006 | Account Upgrade | The account has been upgraded but there was a problem resetting the customers credits. It would be best to contact [email protected] to help rectify the issue. The customers account has been paused in the interim |
110.007 | Account Upgrade | One of two things has happened: 1. The new payment record was not correctly inserted into the database, or 2. The customers records have not been updated. It is best to contact [email protected] for help |
110.008 | Account Upgrade | There was a generic error with upgrading the Customer's account. It would be best to contact [email protected] for help |
120.001 | Campaign | There was no campaign found with the requested Unique Id |
120.002 | Campaign | The customer has reached the maximum number of campaigns allowed for their account |
120.003 | Campaign | The campaign is invalid for the reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. This would be likely due to incorrectly formatted or missing campaign data |
120.004 | Campaign | A List Unique ID for this campaign was not provided. Please ensure you pass this variable |
120.005 | Campaign | The associated list could not be found. Please ensure you have passed the correct List Unique Id. |
120.006 | Campaign | The segment requested does not exist. Please ensure you used the correct Segment Unique ID. |
120.007 | Campaign | The template requested does not exist. Please ensure you used the correct Template Unique ID. |
120.008 | Campaign | It seems that you have not selected an archive |
120.009 | Campaign | The archive does not seem to be a valid zip file. |
120.010 | Campaign | The archive cannot be written to the temporary path location |
120.011 | Campaign | The archive is invalid for the reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. This would be likely due to incorrectly formatted or missing archive data |
120.012 | Campaign | A template has not been provided for your campaign. If a template has been provided it is likely the template is empty of content. In this case please ensure the template is not empty in order to continue. |
120.013 | Campaign | Please include an [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] tag in the campaign template content. This is a requirement to send emails from Mail Blaze. |
120.014 | Campaign | The campaign is invalid and could not be saved for reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. This would likely be due to incorrectly formatted or missing campaign data |
120.015 | Campaign | The campaign options provided are invalid and could not be saved for reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. This would likely be due to incorrectly formatted or missing campaign option data |
120.016 | Campaign | The archive template could not be uploaded for reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. |
120.017 | Campaign | The campaign template could not be saved for the reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. This would be likely due to incorrectly formatted or missing campaign template data |
120.018 | Campaign | The campaign could not be processed for the reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. |
120.019 | Campaign | The campaign is not currently editable. It is in a state one of the following states: Draft, Pending Sending, Paused, Pending Feed. |
120.020 | Campaign | The campaign cannot currently be removed. It is likely in one of the following states: Processing, Sending; or the customer does not have the rights to delete campaigns |
130.001 | List | There was no list found with the requested Unique Id |
130.002 | List | The customer has reached the maximum number of lists allowed for their account |
130.003 | List | General data validation error (Name, Description) |
130.004 | List | Defaults data validation error (From Name, Reply To, From Email) |
130.005 | List | Notifications data validation error (Subscribe To, Unsubscribe To) |
130.006 | List | Company data validation error (Name, Country ID, Address, City, Zip Code) |
140.001 | Subscriber | There was no list found with the requested Unique Id |
140.002 | Subscriber | The subscriber list does not have any custom field defined |
140.003 | Subscriber | The subscriber does not exist in this list |
140.004 | Subscriber | The subscriber email address was not provided. Please ensure you pass this variable |
140.005 | Subscriber | The subscriber email address is not valid |
140.006 | Subscriber | The subscriber already exists in this list |
140.007 | Subscriber | The customer has reached the maximum number of subscribers allowed for their account |
140.008 | Subscriber | The customer has reached the maximum number of subscribers allowed for the list |
140.009 | Subscriber | The subscriber email address is blacklisted |
140.010 | Subscriber | The required list field was not provided |
140.011 | Subscriber | The subscriber was not saved |
140.012 | Subscriber | No subscriber data provided |
140.013 | Subscriber | A maximum of 100 subscribers are allowed per request |
140.014 | Subscriber | The subscriber was not updated |
140.015 | Subscriber | Another subscriber with this email address already exists in this list |
140.016 | Subscriber | The subscriber was not added to the blacklist |
140.017 | Subscriber | The required field "Tag" or "Label" or "Type" had not been posted |
140.018 | Subscriber | The field you are trying to create already exists. Please either exclude this the field or post a unique tag. |
140.019 | Subscriber | The field was unable to be saved. This would likely be due to incorrectly formatted or missing field data |
140.020 | Subscriber | The customer Id was not provided. Please ensure you pass this variable |
140.021 | Subscriber | There is no customer with the Id you passed. Please make sure you sent the correct information. |
140.022 | Subscriber | The customer was unable to be saved in the email blacklist. This would likely be due to incorrectly formatted or missing data |
140.023 | Subscriber | The blacklist reason, as a string, was not provided. Please ensure you pass this variable |
150.001 | Transactional | The customer is not allowed to send transactional emails |
150.002 | Transactional | Email body is not valid base64 |
150.003 | Transactional | Plain text is not valid base64 |
150.004 | Transactional | Data for email attachment is not valid base64 |
150.005 | Transactional | Email attachment exceeds the 2MB size limit |
150.006 | Transactional | The Sent At datetime is not valid |
150.007 | Transactional | The transactional email was not sent |
150.008 | Transactional | Failed to get the list of all transactional emails |
150.009 | Transactional | There was no transactional email found with the requested Unique Id |
160.001 | Templates | There were no templates found for this customer account |
160.002 | Templates | It seems that you have not selected an archive. Alternatively the achive does not exist. |
160.003 | Templates | The archive does not seem to be a valid zip file. |
160.004 | Templates | The archive cannot be written to the temporary path location |
160.005 | Templates | The archive is invalid for the reasons detailed in the returned 'error' variable. This would be likely due to incorrectly formatted or missing archive data |
160.006 | Templates | There was an error saving your template. Please check the returned 'error' variable for more detail |
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